Why Resource Road Engineering Teams Are Needed

Business and Organization Skills

The Quest to Surround Yourself With Good People

There was a time when companies went to all the Canadian Universities and pleaded for the new breed of knowledge across all environmental and engineering skills. All that energy got transformed when Companies eliminated the working groups in favour of the generation of a wide array of Contractors that were all beyond their first 10,000 hours of skills training. Since then, we have all reconfigured our objectives to fit the needs of Clients. And when a Client needs additional help, we call each other up. The circle of friends has grown with age, with 30 years of cooperation between us on Projects that are Coast to Coast, from the Arctic to the Prairies.

When the Engineers show up on a site, everybody knows something is about to happen. Surveyors and Environmental gurus are next to be seen, and that is when the fun starts to happen. We have crossed many landscapes together, we always share the effects of the work we do and how we can make things better, by listening to each other. We like to do the same with clients. We like to share what we know.